Sign up for elementary 2 ONLINE (NL)


  • 適合已達到 CEFR 分級的 A1 以上、未滿 A2 等級學生 / For students who have studied on A1+ level, but not yet obtained CEFR level A2
  • 適合已完成「中初級 1」課程的學生 / For students who have already finalised the ‘Elementary 1’ course
  • 十週十堂線上課,每週一堂課 (每次單選一班) / 10 online classes in 10 weeks, 1 class a week (choose 1 time slot)
    • 週三下午 / Wednesday 13:00-15:00 NL: NOV 13, 20, 27 / DEC 4, 11, 18, 25 / JAN 8, 15, 22
    • 週三晚間 / Wednesday 20:00-22:00 NL: NOV 13, 20, 27 / DEC 4, 11, 18 / JAN 8, 15, 22, 29
  • 每堂課兩小時 / Each class 2 hours
  • 4~6 名學生 / Group size: 4 to 6 students
  • 學費 / Tuition fee: EUR 299
  • 課本 + 雲端教材 / Textbook + website: EUR 28
  • 有經驗的荷籍老師 / Experienced native teacher
  • 每週 2~3 小時的家庭作業時間 / Homework approx. 2 to 3 hours a week
  • 中文和/或英文教學 / Language of instruction is Chinese and/or English
Choose your first preferred time slot
Choose your second preferred time slot, in case your first preferred course is full